Automate Referrals with Compare & Connect Integration

November 8, 2021

Did you know that we are connected with Compare & Connect?

Console Cloud’s list of connection integration partners has extended to include technology-driven utility connection service provider, Compare & Connect.

Real estate and property management businesses now have the added ability to automate their Compare & Connect referrals through Console Cloud!

Working with real estate agents across Australia, Compare & Connect helps connect their clients to services when they move into their property, offering white-labeled and online options as well as an Australian-based call center. Compare & Connect services include Electricity, Gas, Internet, Insurance, and Removalist services.

The integration with Console Cloud offers the added efficiency of easily automating referrals while agencies increase their serviceability to their customers and increase revenue into their business.

Compare & Connect, Chief Growth Officer, Penni Nicholls says “We are continually looking at how we can make not just the move easier for tenants and homeowners but also our Real Estate partners. Working with Console is a natural fit for us as both businesses focus on providing value to our customers”.Console’s Partnership and Integration Manager Emily Hawkes says ‘We welcome Compare & Connect into the Console Cloud marketplace. By automating referrals in Console Cloud, it allows our clients to generate more revenue without losing time managing the process.’

Automating the process

The integration provides a quick and easy way for Property Managers and their Agencies to pass customers through to Compare & Connect to enable them to help their clients.

Console Cloud users interested in linking their office to Compare & Connect can find out more information and activate from within the Marketplace tab in Console Cloud. Once linked, you will be able to automatically send your referrals when creating a tenant agreement.

About Console: Console has been the leading Australian and New Zealand provider of real estate, property management, and trust accounting software for 29 years. Its flagship product, Console Cloud, is the fastest-growing cloud-based property management software platform.

About Console Cloud: Console Cloud powers successful real estate agencies by helping property management professionals do less, make more, and grow more. Console Cloud is designed differently from other software to change how property managers deliver services. We’ve built clever workflows to help you do less admin, powerful business insights to help you make better decisions, and rich trust accounting functionality to let you do what you need to without workarounds.

So if you’re ready to do less admin, give customers better insights and value, and spend more time growing your portfolio, Console Cloud might be for you.For more information, visit or find us on LinkedIn.

About Compare & Connect: Established in 2014 by CEO Neil Saligrama. Compare & Connect offers technology-driven utility comparison and connection services. The platform also powers many leading Australian comparison brands and real estate agencies who refer their customers to connect essential services.Compare & Connect services and supports all platform customers from its Melbourne CBD offices where all 150+ employees are located.To learn more visit | LinkedIn | Facebook

Contact for more information and interest in integration: Emily Hawkes, Partnerships & Integrations — Console 1300 131 311

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